Start with a FREE, one-hour consultation with your personal trainer to determine where you are now and where you want to be. Your trainer will assess your metabolism, body type, and current lifestyle, then go over the biggest changes you will have to make to reach your goals. Your trainer will document your starting measurements and weight and introduce you to the supplements that you will need. Our program is designed to provide you with tools and guidance to keep you on track.
Each one-on-one personal training session will be a 1-hour session and will include a warm-up, workout, and cooldown. Each session is designed to drive you toward achieving the goals we set at the beginning of the program.
Choose one of three sessions held four days a week Monday – Thursday at:
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Alpha Elite Bootcamp or Challenge Sessions:
Choose 5:30 AM, 8:45 AM or 6:00 PM Monday – Thursday
Alpha Elite Glutes:
5:00 PM – 5:50 PM Tuesday’s & Thursday’s
(RED) Flow and Stretch:
$80 for four sessions – 9:00 AM Saturday